Latest News about This Site & Computer Industry

Newest News:
13th October 6:00pm
Page is being conformed (?) the The W3C HTML 4.01 Standards
So your browser 'should' load the pages faster without adding correction code of it's own
These Standards are Kinda interesting and if your page isn't 'conformed' it has a lot of
8th October 3:45pm
Wow a whole month has passed since my last update!
I'm going to become a blogger and help people find what they need with an opinion
I'm also offering my services to answer
PC User HelpStation Queries
So my website will be getting a little more content on the Favourite
Links page (well text document - soon to be HTML)
ahh yes also their will be more free downloads coming soon!
In the mean time check out This LiNK
For a list all Aussie ISP's with prices and way more!
WOW! This page is nearly getting as long as the
Microsoft Windows Patches Page! :)
(but I doubt that will ever happen) ;)
8th September 2:00pm
New Affilate - Emailcash! I have already earned $3 from this company and it is really easy to earn much more!
CLiCK here to Join now!
100 Windows XP icons available for download - here!
XP is due to be released on the 25th of October if you didn't already - more info soon
Screenshots available [here] (link not up yet) Approximate costs are: around US$299 i think
Internet reaching growth limit:
A day when mobile devices can handle streaming video and multiplayer games, and cars
commonly come with Internet road maps. A day when e-mail, the Web and instant messaging
aren't limited primarily to richer, industrialized nations.
Before all that can happen, the Internet's foundation must be rebuilt. The communications
system that glues the Internet together was designed for no more than 4.3 billion computers
and devices -- thought to be plenty 20 years ago. Half the connection points have already
been assigned, and the life span for the remainder is estimated at five years. At that
point, a "No Vacancy" sign may have to go up. More info @ CNN
12th August 9:00pm
I am changing this site so it is more appealing to the vistior (that's you! :) [gotta love 1D pictures]
The focus of this site will be more on MAKING MONEY for doing not much!
CLiCK here
to make approximately $1 dollars for entering the id no D30953 and signing up for well.. free money (AUS only)
For People in the US (I'm going to live there someday!) -
Click HERE tell someone about the site
and get Free stuff eg. $110 shopping spree and (optionally) really funny jokes and other e-mails
Click Here to go to the Current MONEY page!
21st July 1:00pm
Misc Recent Updates - New NextCard Banners - read about their visa card here
Got rid of mailbits 'get money' advertising (Not in Aussie anymore)
Adding essays in Document format (can't be bothered converting them) soon because IE 5+ shows them anyway
And they are kinda easier to view and download like that
8th July 7:00pm
Wondering about all the recent updates? - well it is still school holidays for another week
Full Version Games download page Coming soon! - any
Containing: Raptor! Rise of the Triad, Liero, Scorch, MoonStone, MK, CTF, Racing + more
hmm... the sitemap might be a little out of date too - I'll get round to that soon
crap the money & sponsors page hasn't been updated or tested for ages, oops
and to think I missed out on some really easy to earn money - damn!
A wierd thing with IE 5.5 is that sometimes it doesn't install fully :-)
look at the main title above ^! Does it look cool and appear kinda blurred?
if so - cool, if not you are missing out on a great feature - try reinstalling Internet Explorer later.
Mine doesn't but maybe you (if Win95) have to install IE 4.0 then 5.0 then 5.5! - gotta love microsoft!
6th July
'Add this site to your Active Channel Bar' NOW WORKS! (i think)
file is hosted on a different server as this server doesn't allow cgi's or cdf files.
MP3 Music (870KB) reactivated in menu. Hit 'Refresh' if it doesn't work
or right click the dot up there (in the top menu)
26th June 11:00am
New Menuing System - Easier to use - The old one on the right was running out of space
IPT assignment on Smart Bombs will be added and vb programs will be made 32bit soon
(earlier than 21st Oct - WinXP release date!)
ICRA Rating still to be added!
6th June 2:00pm
E-mail Works, PRICES slashed further!
Will add IPT assignment on Smart Bombs soon and some other content
seeing I haven't added anything for a while
ICRA Rating Coming soon so IE Content Protection won't block it because it's Un-rated
22nd March 6:52pm
Mirrors are all up, e-mail being tested, downloads fixed (all 3)
still report any problems though, thanks.
22nd March
I'm sorry about this sites mirrors being down. They should all work fine now.
I'm still not sure if the e-mail addresses work - test them
The sites mirrors are & & .
I've had reports of some download links being down - I'll get these up ASAP
Please report any that are still down - thanks.
10th February
I'm online at home now with a great company
OzEmail - consistent connection at 57600 bytes (up to 52000 true [now unstable])
& above average download speeds (4.9 Kbytes sec)
Actually I've been having problem with my modem string so I now have a true speed of
45333 (ultra stable) or 46666 (untested) bytes.
To test my connection I download
ie5setup &
Using FlashGet available in the downloads section of this site
So this site will be updated more often & the links on the entry should work soon!
I also have a new 'news' section as you can see.
Have fun! :)
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